Guitar Made Simpler
An Intelligent Approach


With "Guitar Made Simpler," anyone, regardless of their background, can learn to play the guitar correctly

How do you really feel about your guitar playing ?
Are you making
real progress and achieving your musical goals?
Did you try to learn guitar from a book, video or friend but became frustrated and gave up?
Do you wish you could make music by yourself or jam along with friends?
Would you like to play songs like you hear on a radio or CD?
Are you ready to stop wishing and start learning?
Here's what you've been searching for!

"I've been teaching guitar full time since 1986. I've taught from virtually every guitar method on the market and none of them seem comprehensive enough or clear enough for a beginner to actually succeed. I spent years examining what made the existing books fail for most students and wrote "Guitar Made Simpler" from the ground up to help anyone begin to master the world's most popular instrument immediately. If you can read at a least a fourth grade level and follow my instructions, I know you, too, can learn to play the guitar today!"

The book uses a combination of formal notation, tablature, mp3 disc and online video lessons where I demonstrate exactly
what to do and how. Here are just some of the many concepts you'll learn:

- What is Note Duplicity and why is notation or tab by themselves are useless to most would be guitarists
- Understanding time signatures and how to play and count 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 6/8 and 12/8 time
- Note rhythms and how to count them, including whole, half, quarter, eighth and sixteenth notes as well as triplets
- Abundant chord drills using two, three four, five and even six string chord forms
- Practice tips to help you sound great every time, including how to use and benefit from a metronome/drum machine
- Picking drills that guarantee accurate left and right hand technique, including alternate and sweep picking
- The Roman Numeral System used by working pros for learning any chord progression, like I-IV-V; I-vi-ii-V7, etc.
- The all important Blues Progression in 4, 8 and 12 bar forms
- Basic lead guitar scales, patterns, phrases, string bending, vibrato, slides, etc.
- Finger style guitar basics, open and moveable power chord forms and much more!

This guitar method makes all other beginner books obsolete!

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“Guitar Made Simpler – An Intelligent Approach” teaches you everything you need to master guitar immediately, without moving too fast or boring you to tears. Unlike traditional books which can seem discouraging, this exciting book explains even tough concepts so anyone, even a child in grade school, can understand them.


“Guitar Made Simpler- An Intelligent Approach
” is available from or direct from the publisher

“Guitar Made Simpler- An Intelligent Approach
” is $35 U.S. including shipping in the continental US.  To order, send cashiers check or money order for $35 to:

Guitar Made Simpler P.O. Box 1896 Frisco, TX 75034-0032

VENMO- Riley-Wilson-7

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What They're Saying
"I've got to tell you I love this book. I told someone I wanted to learn guitar like I learned to type and I think this is it."
Jim MacCormack, Frisco, TX

“Riley, I am loving your book "Guitar Made Simpler!” I take it on the road with me everywhere that I perform. I am playing guitar onstage tonight in my act.” Sinbad, Los Angeles, CA

"Hey Riley - I just wanted to say that the time I have spent reading the book has been time well spent. I didn't know a whole note from a ransom note when I met you. Now, I can actually recognize notes and know what I am supposed to do when I see them. The book is very user friendly and easy to understand but it must be read and not just pay attention to the tabs. The reading explains everything in a manner that seems to flow smoothly from lesson to lesson. I really enjoyed the experience." David Gardner, Frisco, TX                             

"I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how well "Guitar Made Simpler" is working for me. As I explained, learning to read music and tablature when I first took up the guitar years ago was a confusing and frustrating endeavor. However, with your book and your approach to teaching, everything makes much more sense and I feel very confident that I will be playing much better in a shorter period of time than I anticipated. Thanks!” Mike McAfee, Frisco, TX

“Riley Wilson... has created a method book that is one of the best that I have seen." Scott Newman, Plano, TX

"I have never seen a guitar method for beginners that is so complete. It touches all the bases, and creates a solid foundation to build upon. The sky's the limit!" Michael Quagliano, Joan Frank Productions, Inc.

"I am very pleased with your product, and think it makes an excellent tutorial for someone starting from scratch to learn to play in time, while building their skills slowly and learning to equate tabs with musical notes - something I have never had any clue about. Thanks"